Kainuu Trail permits

The municipalities of Kainuu have been preparing to include snowmobiles in the provincial career permit. The need for a province-wide permit has been raised in surveys of tourism entrepreneurs and snowmobile tourists. A single permit will allow snowmobiling with a single permit throughout the province, which is expected to significantly increase snowmobile tourism in the region.

In connection with the national permit, the tracks on Metsähallitus land will be transferred to the municipalities for maintenance through municipal leases. The lease agreement transfers responsibility for maintaining the trails from Metsähallitus to the municipality, which will also have the right to sell trail licences for the trails it maintains. The proceeds from the licences will be used for the maintenance of the tracks. The municipalities of Kainuu have also agreed on the terms of the joint licence and the distribution of the proceeds. The pilot will start in the 2024-2025 sledding season. The pilot season ends on May 31, 2025.

The preparation of the provincial career permit has been coordinated by the Kelkka Kainuu project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and the municipalities of Kainuu.

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